. . . we wish to see Jesus." (John 12:21)
We all seem to have mixed emotions about Christmas. We see the commercialism and we want to just forget it. Then there’s the expense and the stress on our already challenged resources. Mix in the overwhelming feeling of all you have to accomplish before December 25th and you’re reaching for the medicine cabinet! But eventually we mellow and get into the spirit of the occasion and start transforming from the Grinch to that Christmas glow. Come Christmas Eve and Day we’re finally reaching the summit. And the day after we can just relax and gear towards the fun of the New Year’s celebration.
If you’re having a hard time seeing Jesus in the Christmas holiday, think about the following words to a song I wrote awhile back. Here’s to a great Christmas in Jesus!
Christmas is a time for some
To forget the Lord in all their fun
But I don't go for what they say
For I see Christ in this holiday
I see in the lights the Light of the world
And in the snow how His blood cleansed my soul
I see in the tree how He died for me
Yes, everywhere I see Christ in Christmas
Christmas is a time for some
To not decorate for fear of wrong
You respect a man for his private ways
But I see Christ in this holiday
I hear in the music the angels sing "Glory!"
The bells are to me are just ringing His story
I see in the gifts God sending His best
Yes, everywhere I see Christ in Christmas