And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also you were called in one body; AND BE THANKFUL. (Col 3:15)
Thanksgiving is a time to give thanks to the Lord:
1) For His goodness and mercy (Psalm 107:1).
2) For His touch of healing in our lives (Luke 17:11-19).
3) For all His benefits towards us, including God’s forgiveness, healing, lovingkindness, tender mercies, and good things (Psalm 103:2-5).
4) And to remember His bountiful provision in time of need (Deu 8).
Can we think of additional blessings we are grateful for? Our health, our families, our homes, our jobs, our friends, our opportunities, etc.? How about the abundance of food we have while others around the world go to bed hungry? I don’t know about you, but I feel a few pounds heavier after this Thanksgiving holiday. This should cause us to be thankful for our abundance and to share with others who are in need.
This is an attitude of gratitude that we can have throughout the whole year. In fact, we are encouraged in the Word to give thanks to the Lord (count our blessings) as we enter His presence in prayer (Psa 100:4), before we even make our petitions.
We are definitely spoiled in America and really have nothing to complain about. I heard a saying one time, “I used to complain I had no shoes, until I met a man who had no feet.” Instead of looking at the guy down the street who has everything, let’s look at the man across the tracks who doesn’t have much, maybe lost his job, or got hurt, or who just can’t seem to get ahead. Let’s reach out in Jesus’ name with a thankful heart. It always could be worse, and we know it’s only going to get better (Rom 8:28). Let’s just pause a little now and then and return thanks to a gracious God who has loved us, who has adopted us into His family, and who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing through Christ (Eph 1:3).
Happy Thanksgiving in Jesus!