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How to Use Shepherd to Sheep

There are three ways you may use the Shepherd to Sheep devotionals:


  1. INDIVIDUAL:  Use the S2S devotionals for your own personal growth in Christ.  A good place to start is the S2S devotional of the day.  Also, you may browse around or use the search engine to find the topic that “scratches you where you itch”, so to speak, and is that nugget you need for the day.    


  1. SHARE WITH A FRIEND:  You might come across a topic that would be an encouragement to someone else.  We have made it easy to share these devotionals with the tools right at hand to do so.  Together we can get the Word of God out to hungry souls! 


  1. GROUPS: Many of the S2S devotionals are beneficial for group study because they are packed full of scripture that people can look up and discuss relative to the topic.  The group leader may also benefit from the category list that might suggest a layout of future studies for the group.     

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