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  • Writer's pictureLouie Monteith


(John 19:25) Now there stood by the cross of Jesus His mother . . .

There Mary stood at the cross. Here son was dying and she was dying inside. Was this what Simeon prophesied about so long ago in the temple to Mary? (Luke 2:35) . . . yes, a sword will pierce through your own soul also . . .

Mary knew she had a special calling in bearing and raising this Child. The sacrifices began early on when her and Joseph traveled the long road to Bethlehem. There Jesus was born in a stable. Soon would be the flight into Egypt and then the settling down in Nazareth. There was the poverty and the struggles. Sacrifices were made all along the way. But now this mother is at the cross and she cannot bear to look up at the bloodied body of her son. Did all the sacrifices come down to this?

Can you imagine Mary seeing Jesus risen from the dead? How her soul lifted! Now she saw it all clearly. The sacrifices were all worth it. And so was the Sacrifice.

Moms . . . your sacrifices are worth it for your family! You give so much of yourself without thought to your own needs. You go without the appreciation you so deserve. But remember this . . . your sacrifices point the way to the greatest sacrifice of all. (John 15:13) "Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one's life for his friends. How do we know what it means to take up our cross and follow Jesus in our lives? Look at a mom . . . there’s the picture of sacrifice.

To all the moms giving their all in their God-given call . . . we recognize and appreciate you. Thanks for being a mother at the cross!


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