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Writer's picture: Louie MonteithLouie Monteith

(Eph 4:15) . . . grow up in all things into Him . . .

It’s great to watch your kids grow up. They sprout so fast and it’s always new shoes time. It’s hard to keep up with them. Their school, sports, activities, etc. keep you on the go. And as much as you try to keep on top of the external things there are those internal things you are even more concerned about. Are they where they should be in life? Will they be prepared for the future? Do they have what it takes to someday tackle this world when they’re an adult and on their own?

I believe we have these questions and concerns because we look back on our own life and see the transition from childhood to adulthood and how tough it was and the mistakes we made. We then project our experience onto the backdrop of their emerging individuality and begin to get a little anxious. But we usually console ourselves with the thought that we made it through and by God’s grace they will make it through too!

But despite all the concerns we have about our kids growing up there is something parallel going on with their growth . . . ours! We’re growing up too!!

I think our kids do more for us than we do for them. I’m serious! As I look at how my kids have grown over the years I look at my own life and thank God that I have grown up with them. I had so many lessons to learn. I’m the one that had to mature. I had to be responsible. I had to be taught sacrifice. I had to put my dreams aside and wake up to the present reality of things. Character was developed in me. Parenting was that tool God used to refine and define me. (Pro 27:17) As iron sharpens iron, So a man sharpens the countenance of his friend. No matter what age our kids are we’re always on the learning curve. Jesus said “learn from Me.” (Mat 11:29) Little did we know the instrument He would use.

Growing pains. Sometimes I wonder who has them most . . . us or our kids? But it’s all worth it. There is a goal in mind. (Phil 3:14) I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. And our children help us get there.

“Thank-you Lord for teaching us through our pint size or giant size kids. That way we can grow up in all things into You.”



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