(2 Cor 3:18) But we . . . are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory . .
Paul told the Corinthians that the Spirit of God will change us into the Lord’s image from glory to glory. That’s good because I really do want to be changed into that image. I know I fall so short of that perfect image of Jesus but I am glad that the Spirit is working in me and bringing me along. It’s “Less of me and more of Jesus in my life!” I want the Lord to take me up one more level! But I’ve got to learn all I’m to learn on this present level. Then once that happens the Lord will “kick me up a notch”! Hopefully I’m closer to the Lord now than I was before. I desire His love and long for more of His glory in my life. But I’ve got to be patient with the process and just let the Lord work in me where I’m at.
As I move from glory to glory, there is a tendency to look at others at their advanced level of glory and just say “forget it”. But I’m not to compare myself with others who are growing in the Lord. The Bible says this is not wise (2 Cor 10:12). There is also a tendency for me to look down at others whose level of glory might not appear to be so “glorious”. That is pride and none of my business anyway (Rom 14:4).
May God help us to enjoy our present level of glory and to rejoice in the Lord and His loving instruction in our lives. But may we also keep “pressing on” to that next level of glory where the Lord’s face is more clearer and brighter so that our hearts will fall in deeper love with Him still.