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Writer's picture: Louie MonteithLouie Monteith

(Psa 18:3) I will call upon the LORD, who is worthy to be praised; So shall I be saved from my enemies.

Throughout the history of our nation we have survived tremendous troubles and setbacks that have tested us as a people. By the grace of God we have survived and conquered. Even in our own generation we have survived the Great Depression, World War II, and the ensuing wars: the Korean War, the Vietnam war, and the Persian Gulf War. All of these crises have tested our resoluteness and freedom has continued to ring. We have had domestic problems as well, such as the civil rights struggle, natural disasters, and periodic economic turmoil. But all in all, America has pulled itself up by the bootstraps, tapped into its great resources, and has experienced a resurgence of peace and prosperity once again. We have also had a series of cruel and beastly deeds perpetrated on our country. In more recent times the World Trade Center bombing in 1993, the Oklahoma City bombing of 1995, and now . . . well, now we have the most substantial of them all.

The World Trade Center is no more, a side of the Pentagon blown to pieces, a plane lies in twisted steel in a rural field outside Pittsburgh. But more important are the innocent lives that were senselessly cheated. Many brave souls have selflessly risked their lives in the aid of others. The devastation is great . . . the loss at this time incalculable. Who would have ever thought it could happen to such a safe, strong, and secure nation as ours?

Even as believers we are stunned at all that has befallen. But what do we do when crisis hits America? Well, that great Israelite leader and king, David, said it all. As a leader of a nation he knew where his strength lie. It was in God whose name was to be invoked and praised as controller of the universe and of the affairs of mankind. His confidence was such that as he did this, God would save him from his enemies. David fought many battles, from Goliath (1 Sam 17) to the formidable foes of the surrounding nations (2 Sam 5-10). These were all national crisis and David called upon the Lord in each one and so won the victory.

Let’s not be too hasty as believers to say that when crisis hits America it is the judgment of God. Let’s not be heartless and condemnatory at such a critical time. The “most excellent way” (1 Cor 12:31) is to see this as a great loss of lives and to do what we can to pray and support this great nation of ours in this current and critical national extremity. Let’s let God sort out the “whys” and all the summations of original causes. Let’s be like David who called upon the name of the Lord and so won the victory for His people. Let’s be like our president who is calling upon the nation to pray and is quoting the Word of God to the American people. Let’s not give up on winning this battle for our nation. Our forefathers paid a great price for freedom and many noble citizens have lost life and limb to keep our flag waving high. We are not counseled to retreat to the sidelines, and we are not commanded to postulate the divine reasons of allowable misery and suffering. We are to identify with that good Samaritan who saw the hurt, rolled up his sleeves, and did what he could to alleviate the human suffering before him (Luke 10:29-37). That’s also what Jesus did when he came from the light of heaven to the dangerous domain of darkness to grace us with His salvation. He went from the cross to hell and back. Are we willing to do the same for our country? We have the greatest answer to the hurt in America today. Let’s share that good news in Christ, as God’s emergency unit of hope and peace, dispatched to ease the anguish of a grieving people.



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