(1 Kings 19:3) And when he (Elijah) saw that, he arose and ran for his life . . .
Have you ever heard of the "fight or flight" response? It was popularized by Harvard physiologist Walter Cannon. He stated that when we experience excessive stress—whether from worry within or conditions without—a bodily reaction is triggered, called the "fight or flight" response. He proposed this response actually corresponds to an area of our brain called the hypothalamus, which—when stimulated—brings about chemical releases that prepare the body for running or fighting.
When our fight or flight system is activated, we tend to look at everything around us as a possible threat to our survival. Our fears bypass our rational mind and put us into "attack" mode. Everything in our world becomes a possible threat to our survival. We are on the lookout for any possible danger. We tend to even overreact to the slightest comment. Fears become exaggerated and our thinking becomes skewed. We see everything through the lens of imminent danger.
Elijah was afflicted with this "fight or flight" response. Elijah faced off with wicked king Ahab in the "true God" contest. The Lord showed His power and the four hundred and fifty prophets of Baal were slain. Ahab went home and told his wife Jezebel who then issued a death threat against Elijah. What did Elijah do? He fled into the wilderness! You might ask why he could do such a thing but remember it was "fight or flight" and he chose to bolt.
It's easy to want to run when the going gets tough. We get tired of our reality and want to create a new one that is happier and pain free. But remember we are to face our problems head on with Jesus and not run when we feel like it. If we flee then we'll just have to come back to face the music someday. Why not deal with it now? It takes maturity to stick it out but remember Jesus who carried His cross for us all the way to Calvary. (Heb 12:2) looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.
Remember the armor of God in Ephesians 6? All the armor was frontal. If you ran you were not covered and would be an instant target from behind. We are to flee sexual immorality, idolatry, and youthful lusts but never the will of God for our lives. (1 Cor 6:18, 10:14; 2 Tim 2:22). Wherever God has placed you, that's where you want to stay. (Eccl 10:4) . . .Do not leave your post . . . And remember you don't leave something. You go to something. It's always too early to quit! Run to Jesus instead and receive the assurance you need to stay in the fight.
(Pro 18:10) The name of the Lord is a strong tower; The righteous run to it and are safe.